Warnants’ prints, and the books from which they come, are a response to childhood, as it seems to exist today. One reminisces about childhood as a Blyton-esque story: romanticised and idyllic. Quickly one glosses over the angst and growing pains. Today's children are not allowed such innocence. Juxtaposing old and new, sweet and unsavoury, these digital prints are sugar-coated in a classic style to make this, only slightly exaggerated, reality easier to swallow.
Stories for Bedtime
In 2006, the body of work ‘Stories for Bedtime’ was seized at a show by Hampshire's Criminal Investigations Department as it was alleged that the book had broken seven points of the law, including the Obscene Publications Act 1964 and The Indecent Displays Act 1959. However, the work was later released by the Crown Prosecution Service, without charge. Currently Warnants is working on the second title in the series, ‘On British Youth’.
I liked Shotgun Clare so much I took her home.