bethnal green tube
cambridge heath past bishop gate
After a short but eventful summer (babies, weddings, career changes...) the art club met up on Vyner Street to kick off the new art season. The street atmosphere was almost carnival like, teeming with art kids and cool hair cuts.
nettie horn gallery
25b vyner street E29DG
In Dysfuncadelia, Debbie Lawson creates eerie environments through the use of found objects, household furniture and domestic materials such as Persian carpets and wood. A new hybrid meaning is found in the use of these kitch materials.
Sinta Werner's Grey Areas installation is built like a stage set and is an optical illusion using a mirror and architectural elements. There is one viewing point from which the space appears flat and pictorial. If one leaves this viewing point, the illusion is exposed. Order, precision, scientific methodology combined with observations of modern life...there is something very German and lovely about Sinta's work. Currently working in Berlin with a Masters of Fine Arts from Goldsmiths in 2007. Will be watching our for this one...
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